Paediatric Fellowships

HomeFor Surgeons • Paediatric Fellowships

Australian Fellowships

Clinical Fellowships in Paediatric Orthopaedics

Chief Supervisor: A Prof Leo Donnan
Location: The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne

The Orthopaedic Department of the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, offers paediatric orthopaedic fellowships in 4 sub-streams. These include:

For all interested applicants, please contact

Clinical and Research Fellowship in Paediatrics

Chief Supervisor: Dr David Bade
Location: The Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH), Brisbane QLD
Phone: (07) 3059 6259

This fellowship covers all aspects of paediatric orthopaedics. The specialist areas of interest are Perthes’ disease, SUFE, DDH, CTEV and limb reconstruction. The fellow is also involved in treating other congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, spinal, traumatic, MSK infection and upper limb conditions. Operative management is undertaken on a clinical need priority system, with flexibility of theatre time. Referrals are received from Brisbane, the greater Queensland area and northern New South Wales.


Our Lady’s Children Hospital Crumlin Dublin

Chief Supervisor: Dr Paula Kelly
Phone: N/A

The Irish Paediatric Orthopaedic society has a new opportunity for a Paediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship for Australian trainees at Our Lady’s Children Hospital Crumlin Dublin. Case mix includes a high volume of late presentation DDH, metabolic and syndromic conditions. If interested please contact Ms Paula Kelly, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, at OLCH on

Our mission is the development and implementation of high quality education of orthopaedic surgeons.